Discourse Markers:
Discourse markers itu kayak “penanda jalan” dalam percakapan atau tulisan. Mereka bantu bikin ide-ide kita lebih nyambung dan mudah dipahami. Yuk, lihat jenis-jenisnya plus contoh dalam bahasa Inggris!
1. Additive (Nambah Info)
Kalau mau nambahin sesuatu atau bikin daftar.
Contoh Discourse Markers:
- and (dan)
- also (juga)
- furthermore (selain itu)
- moreover (apalagi)
Contoh Kalimat:
- She loves coffee, and she drinks it every morning.
- The service was amazing. Moreover, the food was delicious.
2. Adversative (Berlawanan)
Buat nunjukin perbedaan atau kontras.
Contoh Discourse Markers:
- but (tapi)
- however (namun)
- on the other hand (di sisi lain)
- nevertheless (tetap saja)
Contoh Kalimat:
- I wanted to go hiking, but the weather was terrible.
- He was tired. Nevertheless, he finished the project.
3. Causal (Sebab-Akibat)
Kalau mau jelasin hubungan sebab-akibat.
Contoh Discourse Markers:
- because (karena)
- so (jadi)
- therefore (makanya)
- as a result (hasilnya)
Contoh Kalimat:
- She stayed up late because she had a lot of homework.
- He missed the bus. As a result, he was late for work.
4. Sequential (Urutan)
Biar alur cerita rapi dan berurutan.
Contoh Discourse Markers:
- first (pertama)
- then (lalu)
- next (berikutnya)
- finally (akhirnya)
Contoh Kalimat:
- First, we’ll visit the museum. Then, we’ll have lunch at a nearby café.
- She packed her suitcase, and then she called a taxi.
5. Exemplification (Ngasih Contoh)
Buat ngasih contoh biar lebih jelas.
- for example (contohnya)
- for instance (misalnya)
- such as (seperti)
Contoh Kalimat:
- Many countries, for instance, Japan and South Korea, are known for their technological advances.
- She enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling.
6. Conclusion (Kesimpulan)
Kalau mau nutup ide atau bikin rangkuman.
- in conclusion (kesimpulannya)
- to sum up (intinya)
- all in all (secara keseluruhan)
Contoh Kalimat:
- In conclusion, teamwork and communication are essential for success.
- All in all, it was a great experience despite the challenges.
- Jangan terlalu sering pakai discourse markers biar nggak terasa “berlebihan.”
- Cocokin dengan konteks, apakah formal, santai, atau akademik.
Jadi, mau pakai yang mana buat bikin tulisan atau obrolan kamu lebih smooth? 😉